Making art is such a gift. To the maker and to the viewer. It is a culmination of history, growth, and discovery. Each of these guides + courses is designed with you in mind.

I’m a huge fan of working smarter, not harder. Especially since becoming a mother, my time to create is very limited… I don’t have the time I use to - spending my Saturdays painting for 12 hours, buying all the art supplies my heart desired, attending seminars, workshops and more. These resources are meant to help you get to the answers beautifully, quickly and organically.

When I first started pursuing art as a career - I quickly there were SO many things I knew nothing about. So many things that I was never taught in Art School… How do I ship my paintings + prints so they don’t arrive damaged? How do I even make a print? Let alone one that is clear, true to color and can be enlarged. Woo. So much to learn. What about supplies? I was over painting oil still lives every day, and wanted to expand my horizons to allll the things and all the materials I could get my hands on. This has taken me yearsssss and yearssss of trial and error, experimenting, exploring, failing and readjusting. So - hence each of these materials. Spend more time creating, and less time relying on trial and error. It can make all the difference and eliminate years of growing pains.