Meet the M A K E R



Welcome to my little corner of the world, where I spend my days getting lost in my paintings, snuggling my perfectly chubby baby boy and chasing after his sister, a very vibrant 3 year old. I currently live in Omaha Nebraska with my husband, who just happens to be my high-school sweetheart and our two little ones, Luke and Norah.

My Studio is currently the spare bedroom in my home - Its’ four walls are filled to the brim with love, memories, growth, aspirations, toys and so many paintings made by the tiniest hands along side me as I paint. It’s a special place and my refuge from the world.

I am an impressionistic painter - with a deep love for color - and a creative instructor. My paintings focus on the everyday experience and moments that make life meaningful… a connection to place, a fleeting memory, what we can learn from small quiet moments, the joy found in appreciating our existence and embracing the beauty of the world we live in. I pour so much of myself, my experiences and feelings into everything I create - in effort to inspire each of us to look inward or upward.


I have always had a deep love for all things creative. It is something I turn to in my life to find peace, healing, inspiration, acceptance and an appreciation for the little moments that make life beautiful.

“Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life.”

I hope my paintings can bring connection, healing, and happiness into your home.


“Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.”


Being an artist truly makes me feel alive, but it’s also possibly one of the hardest things I’ve done as well. Creating something and then putting into the world is such a vulnerable act. Each piece has a part of me, the real, raw, un-edited me. It’s an intimate thing, creating a painting…. it’s takes up so much precious time that you can never get back, it delves deep into your emotions, and it shares glimpses of how one sees the world. That’s what keeps me coming back.

A L i t t l e H i s t o r y

A little throw back to my Mom & the 5 year old Artist I referenced.

A little throw back to my Mom & the 5 year old Artist I referenced.


Growing up, my childhood was not always picture perfect - and I’m glad it wasn’t. So much of what makes me, me, comes from that time. I was always a creative nut. My mom tells me, that as soon as I could hold a pen/pencil I was dreaming up my own creations, spending hours upon hours creating things, everyday. We were very poor for a time... You know, the kind of poor where you go to the grocery store and you can choose a box of oatmeal or a bag of chips, but not both and a fresh orange was a special treat… or the kind where when it came time for dinner, the three of us would all share a happy meal - because that’s all we could afford. This turned out to be my biggest blessing in disguise. Due to the lack of finances my mom could never afford a coloring book etc… so she would just give me plain sheets of paper and tell me the create my own pictures. That’s just what I did. I remember that enthusiastic 5 year old, who would spend hours illustrating books, dreaming up magazines, and drawing moments from our day. She continued to pushed me creatively like this, my entire life. I remember my grandma and grandpa - Nana and Poppie - being my biggest cheerleaders. They always made me feel like I was a “real” artist and that I was exceptionally gifted. Oh, how I love them for instilling in me this confidence from such a young age. Asking to “buy” my drawings, getting them framed beautifully and displaying them proudly in their home. This is probably a big reason why so much of what I do is centered around emotions of love and acceptance… or belonging and believing.

Not much has changed… I still spend hours a day painting, creating and dreaming. It’s a funny thing, trying to hold onto the pure creativity we have as children and it’s something I’m still trying to learn how to tap into each time I sit down in my studio.

I started painting and teaching workshops full time in 2017, shortly after the birth of our little one, Norah. Since then, things have continued to grow organically and beautifully. I am so beyond grateful for each and every person who has given my art a home, and in turn helped support my little family and my dreams of being a creative entrepreneur. The support of my collections literally puts shoes on their little feet, clothes on their backs and food - maybe even an orange or two - in their tummies. I never would have thought I’d already be here, but I’m so happy it happened this way.

& … A l i t t l e b o n u s .

Because why not.

Meet My Little Family.

Who celebrate each order with a little happy dance and are just as grateful for you as I am!



My ride or die. We met in High School and have been together ever since. Embarrassing but true fact, I use to walk the same way to class everyday (the long way) hoping that I would see him on the stair before we starting spending time together. He just got accepted to Dental School and we are so proud of Him. He is kind, supportive, patient, understanding, insanely positive, the biggest tease and the hardest worker. He is constantly cheering me on, and believes in me when I don’t believe in myself. I owe a lot of who I have become in the last 11 years, to Him and his encouragement.


Little Luke. & Norah Lee.

Luke - is our newest addition and makes our family feel more complete. He has given my heart so much healing and is the sweetest little dude. He has a big appetite like his dad, is the happiest smiliest little dude and brightens everyones day, has cheeks for days and is a little chatter box. He loves to be snuggled and held, which can make getting anything accomplished tricky - we are still trying to find our rhythm, slowly but surely.

Norah - She is our happy sunshine girl, who is puppy + princess obsessed, the biggest snuggle bug and always finds her way into my spare bedroom studio to help me paint all the things. And I LOVE it. Creating alongside her are possibly some of my most cherished times. She is a night owl - like her momma, and is always sure to add a little extra love (or tape) to every package. Being her Momma is my greatest blessing, and being able to be home with her to watch her grow and experience all her firsts has truly been such a gift to me.